Nariman's contribution to Karnataka immeasurable

Beginning his service of the State in 1986, he fought a long and arduous battle to protect the State's water rights

The contribution of Fali Nariman to the State of Karnataka is immeasurable. In fact, the State must declare him posthumously as a Karnataka Rathna. Beginning his service of the State in 1986, he fought  a long and arduous battle to protect the State's water rights. In 1991, Karnataka had to supply 205 tmc annually to the State of Tamil Nadu- by 2007, that figure came to be reduced to just 192, by 2018 that figure had come down to 177. The hidden benefit of an additional 25 to 30 tmc came in the form of the measuring station for the river which was earlier being measured at Mettur and this came to be shifted to Biligundlu.


In the Krishna River, it was Nariman's brilliant advocacy which helped the State increase its allocation from 734 to 911 TMC. Additionally the State received the additional benefit of raising the dam height of the Almatti dam from 519.6 to 524.256. In the Mahadayi river dispute, he helped the State win an allocation of 29 tmc.


What is the value of 1 tmc of water? The State of Karnataka on occasion buys water from Maharashtra, When last heard, the price paid for 1 tmc was upwards of Rs. 5 Crore.


On a conservative estimate, the team led by Nariman has earned the State an additional 1000 crore atleast on an annual basis.


While on the job, Nariman was grouchy and resembled an angry bird, but when relaxed he was a great raconteur. He was deeply interested in Politics and advances in legal issues. He appreciated a good meal and if he went out in a group, he would always discreetly disappear seconds before the bill arrived and voila, the bill would never reach the table.


He loved his wife Bapsi deeply and it is indeed a miracle that he survived for four long years after her demise. A legend is truly gone!.


( The author is a senior advocate in the Supreme  Court)

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